Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reagan 8 months Old

Reagan turned 8 months July 12.  She is getting so independent.  She crawls all over the house, gives kisses, pulls herself up on furniture and is trying to walk.  People told me that if I held her a lot when she was a newborn that she would always want to be held. (not true.... I held her 24/7).   She is not interested in being held anymore!  She wants to play and crawl all over the floor.  I rarely get to hold her anymore.  (very sad for me)  When I do pick her up she hugs me, kisses me, and then tries to push off me so that she can get back on the floor.  As if to say, "Ok mom, I'll give you some attention now let me go play with my toys".  She already thinks she is to cool to hang out with mom.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mommy's 32 Birthday

Wow, this aging thing is not my cup of tea.  Turning 32 has been an interesting venture.  Every year it gets harder.  Reagan made it a little easier this year.  Picking out her "Mommy's Birthday Outfit" made going out so much fun.  My favorite part are her silver fancy tennis shoes.  I am dying to get her the book "Fancy Nancy" because I think she is my "Fancy Reagan".  If you have not read the book you must go out and get it right away.

We went to Outback to eat for my B-day because that is the only place I can eat with Reagan's dairy and reflux allergy.  Reagan's favorite pass time is chewing on everything she is not supposed to chew on.  She loves daddy's straw.  Look at all 8 baby teeth.

                                                           Family Picture!!!
That is my birthday cake that took me half the day to make and decorate.  It does not have any milk, eggs, or butter in it.  Mmmm GOOD!  Not really!  Leandro said it tasted like ingredients.  It was not the tastiest thing I have ever eaten.  I tried to use lots of fresh fruit filling  to make it taste a little better.  I also had to use Fluff as a frosting because most frosting have dairy.