Thursday, May 29, 2008

6 month Photo Shoot

Reagan had her 6 month photo shoot at Sears.  I thought they did a great job!  It was a pretty good deal too.  Here are a few of the pictures.  We had such a great time watching her do her thing.  I love being a mom!  It is starting to be soooooo much fun.  Reagan started crawling this week.  Leandro showed her how to get into position and then she just seemed to pick up the concept.  He is such a great dad!!!    ahhhhhhh    Got to go Reagan is pulling books off the shelf.  I will update more later....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mothers Day

I had a wonderful Mothers Day!  Leandro took Reagan for the whole night and I slept 6 hr strait.  It was like I had slept for 2 weeks.  Then to top it off he cleaned the house, bought me roses, and took me out to eat.  I am really loving this Mothers Day HOLIDAY........

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Jumping Reagan

Reagan loves to jump in her jumper.  

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Melissa Teaching Piano

Melissa and I went to a bridal shower at a friends house and the husbands were left to watch Reagan.  They had a tough day because Reagan's medication had been changed and it did not work as well as her old Previcid in power form.  Needless to say Leandro and Christian were tiered by the time we arrived back at Melissa's house.  Reagan was a little fussy so Melissa took her to the piano and she loved it.  Reagan played the most beautiful banging-music.  Melissa is only a week from delivering her baby in this picture.

Learning To Stand

Auntie "M" has been teaching baby Reagan to stand.  Reagan loves when her aunt and little cousin are around.  The girls have so much fun together.  They are so funny when they try to play.  Emma always plays by sitting on Reagan.  Reagan thinks it is so funny when she sees Emma coming towards her.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Recipe 4 Chicken Basil Pasta: for nursing moms with diary protein allergy/reflux babies

                                                    Chicken Basil Organic Pasta

1/2 bag Davinci Organic pasta (You can find it at the health food store)
1 cup of frozen organic peas
1 tsp of fresh basil leaves
2 Tyson Organic chicken breast
1 tsp olive oil

Boil pasta in olive oil and salt according to package directions.  Pan fry salt and pepper chicken breast in 1/2 tsp of olive oil.  Remove cooked chicken and add 1/2 cup of pasta water and basil leaves to chicken pan sir and de-glaze pan. Microwave 1 cup of frozen peas for  3 min. then add drained pasta, 1/2 tsp olive oil, drained peas to de-glazed chicken pan.  Remove basil leaves and serve.
Here is a picture of Reagan eating my homemade organic peas.  She loves peas.  They are her favorite!
This is the only pasta I have found that does not have anything in it that will effect reflux and dairy allergy babies.  I have started buying anything I can get my hands on that is organic.