Friday, May 2, 2008

Recipe 4 Chicken Basil Pasta: for nursing moms with diary protein allergy/reflux babies

                                                    Chicken Basil Organic Pasta

1/2 bag Davinci Organic pasta (You can find it at the health food store)
1 cup of frozen organic peas
1 tsp of fresh basil leaves
2 Tyson Organic chicken breast
1 tsp olive oil

Boil pasta in olive oil and salt according to package directions.  Pan fry salt and pepper chicken breast in 1/2 tsp of olive oil.  Remove cooked chicken and add 1/2 cup of pasta water and basil leaves to chicken pan sir and de-glaze pan. Microwave 1 cup of frozen peas for  3 min. then add drained pasta, 1/2 tsp olive oil, drained peas to de-glazed chicken pan.  Remove basil leaves and serve.
Here is a picture of Reagan eating my homemade organic peas.  She loves peas.  They are her favorite!
This is the only pasta I have found that does not have anything in it that will effect reflux and dairy allergy babies.  I have started buying anything I can get my hands on that is organic.

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