Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Burp Cloths

My wonderful friend Carnly sent me the cutest gift today.  They are these couture burp cloths with the most adorable designs.  (It came at the best time too!)  We went to the Pediatrician today about Reagan's reflux and found blood in her diaper.  Poor little baby is now going to have to see a specialist about all her digestive issues.  I feel like she is so young to be going through all this drama.  I wish I could take all her pain so that she does not have to feel anything but joy.


Carnley said...

I love sending these burp cloths as gifts! My friend Karla is especially talented! If you need some, her website is and her blog is

Karla Doodlebug said...

Thanks so much!!!! These were a joy to make and your little one is precious!